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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Classic 1,000 Seafood Recipes

If you love fish you'll love this book. It tells you all those facts about seafood you want to know, from a rundown on the varieties available to how to choose the best, keep them that way once you get them home and, of course, cook them.

There are so many good reasons to eat fish, and your health is just one of them. They're powered with the only fats you can honestly eat to your heart's content -- polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids not to mention protein and vitamins A and D. Carolyn Humphries proves that just about the only thing you can't do with fish is serve it up as a dessert. And with recipes that include everything from the sublime to cost-conscious family favourites, you can decide whether it will be Lobster Thermidor tonight or Traditional Fish and Chips.


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